With the right building blocks at the right time
We know the challenges and ups and downs of running a food business through our own start-ups, as well as our network in the catering, food truck and restaurant sector. With our solutions, we offer all the building blocks and the network to make it drastically easier to start a business for start-ups and ventures in the food sector. At the same time, we want to give as many projects as possible the opportunity to help shape the sustainable food system of the future.
Start klar in wenigen Tagen
Kaum Investment nötig
Rückhalt durch Community
Bessere Margen
Members and Alumni
m² kitchen area
jobs created
The right solutions, at the right time for F&B companies
Geteilte Mietküchen
Food Business Community
Private Küchen
Private Küchenflächen für etablierte Food Businesses, die ihre Produktion zentralisieren möchten, um ihre Margen zu verbessern und die Qualität auf ein neues Level zu heben.
Events & Workshops
Wir organisieren laufend Demo Days und Workshops, um Food Businesses die richtigen Kontakte zu Großkunden und das nötige Knowhow zu bieten.
Our community & alumni speak for themselves
Partner programmes
As a one-stop shop for projects in the food sector, we are always looking for partnerships with experts, institutions and brands who share our vision and want to support food start-ups.